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Universidade Europeia Libraries

EDS Search


EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) is a tool that facilitates in-depth research across multiple resources simultaneously, helping you find what you're looking for quickly and easily.

Through EDS, it is possible to search simultaneously in all B-on databases, EBSCO eBooks, RCAAP, and the library catalogue.


How to access

Access the provided EDS addresses, or use the search box in the Discovery tab.

You will need to authenticate with your institutional credentials: your student or faculty number and password.

Step 1 authentication Step 2 authentication

Change language

The EDS search buttons are not fully translated. You may need to change the Idioma = Language:

Change language

Basic search

The Basic search page is the default search page. It allows searching by keyword, title, and author.

EDS Basic search

Advanced search

In the Advanced search, additional search parameters appear, allowing for more targeted searching.

The Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT also appear.

EDS advanced search

SmartText search

EDS SmarText search

SmartText search allows copying and pasting large excerpts of text, searching for results based on that information.

EDS analyzes the text placed in the search box, identifies the most relevant words and/or phrases, and then presents a list of results.

Search results

EDS search results

 Search results: If you get a high number of results, use the Search filters menu on the left.
 Search filters: Use the filters in this menu to refine the search results.
 Type of publication
 Publication access
 Share: Use the permalink generated in this button to share the search results.


Results filters

Catalog Only: Displays results only of documents that are in the library catalog.

Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals: Displays results of documents that have undergone peer review.

Full Text: Displays only results that have the full text or are physically available in the library. Sometimes, this filter appears as 'Available in the Library Collection'.

Publication Date: Limits search results to a specific date range.


Article detailed record

Article detailed record

 Full text from...Redirects to the publisher's page for full-text access.
 Article overview and details
 Citation tool:
Use this tool to help you generate a bibliographic reference for this publication. Choose the "APA" option and make necessary adjustments.
 Permalink toolUse the permalink to share this article.