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Universidade Europeia Libraries

How to access

This collection of eBooks is restricted to the University's community.

You can access these eBooks at campus computers or by accessing the University's WI-FI connection.

Access eBooks from anywhere and any device with OpenAthens.
Simply access the provided resource URL and type in your institutional credentials, that is, your student or teacher number and your password.

Searching eBooks

Access the EBSCO eBooks to start searching.

You can do a keyword search, browse by category on the left column, or browse the highlighted and featured eBooks.

Depending on your search topic and the number of returned results, you may also need to apply limits, filters, and/or order your search results.



Use the Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT) to combine keywords to either narrow or broaden your set of results.


Use the left column Refine Results to filter your set of results.

The filter Publication Date should be used when you want your search query to return only eBooks published before, after, or between specific years. For example, when you want it to return only the most recent eBooks published in the last few years.

In this column, you can refine even further your results, for example, by Subject, from one or more specific Publishers, and only in the Languages you understand.




Change the sort order of the results. By default, these are ordered by Relevance, determined by the frequency with which the search keywords appear in the key elements of the eBook record. You can also order your results, for example, by the most recent (Date Newest).

Reading eBooks

You can check which reading formats are available for an eBook under its record. The format choice depends on your reader device.

PDF - Prefer this format if you're using a computer.

EPUB - Prefer this format, which is more responsive and easier to use on mobile devices if you're using, for example, a tablet.

Full Download - It's possible to download and read this eBook later, offline, on your device. 

Please note that to download an eBook (Full Download option), it's necessary to first create a personal account, and you also need to have installed an eBook reader software on your device, like Adobe Digital Editions.
Note as well that this download works like a borrowed book from the library, and you'll be asked to choose a download duration, or your lending period.

You can view the Table of Contents of each eBook, go to a specific chapter, or check the Most Relevant Pages From This eBook, determined by your search terms.

Access all the information about an eBook on its Detailed Record by clicking on a record's title or on the magnifier icon at the top right.

You can read it online or download it to read at a later time from this page as well.

At your right, you'll find a very useful Toolset, including Add to FolderCiteExport Citation, and Create Note.


The Cite tool generates automatic references and does not substitute for consultation of the Official APA Manual.
You should make any necessary corrections before using the generated references.

Create a user account

Although a user account is not mandatory to read eBooks online, we strongly recommend creating one.

By creating an account, you can download eBooks to read later offline, create and manage folders, save searches, create and save alerts and notes, etc.

Click the Sign in link in the top toolbar.

You have two sign-in options:

1) If you have a Google account, you can sign in with your Google credentials, avoiding the creation of a new account. 

2) Or you can create a new account just as easily:

To access your account, go to Folder, in the top toolbar.