Scopus is an abstract and citation multidisciplinary database of peer-reviewed literature.
Scopus does not provide the publications’ full texts, but you often be able to access the full text if it is available in a different database subscribed by the libraries.
With Scopus, you can find the most relevant and cited publications in any scientific area, as well as authors' profiles and their affiliations.
Go to Scopus and enter your credentials.
By default, it launches the Document Search. You can select any search field:
Select a search field and type your keywords in the search bar.
You can also add other search fields by clicking the Add search field button.
Type the search terms in each box and click the Search button.
It will retrieve a results list:
In this list of results, you will find:
Some of these (title, author, and source) contain hyperlinks to additional information.
This list can be sorted according to various criteria, such as date, citation number, relevance, etc., by selecting Sort by.
Click the document’s title to get additional information, such as:
If the full text is available, the document record will have a View PDF button available.
On this page, click on the publication’s title to open a tab that shows you some publication metrics, such as, the Scopus category quartiles.
You can view all document’s metrics by clicking View all metrics, and a Metrics tab will open below.
Access Scopus and select Authors.
Select one of three options available: author name, ORCID ID, or keyword.
If you select the ORCID search option, you need to know the author’s ORCID ID.
You can create your own ORCID ID or search other researchers’ ORCID IDs at
If you select the author’s name search option, you can combine the name with the author's affiliation, by selecting the Add affiliation option.
Keyword search allows you to search for authors' profiles within certain research areas.
You can also search by organization, to which the authors are affiliated, by selecting the Organizations option.
Type the organization's name in the search box.
This search will retrieve all the results that contain your search words.
Select the correct one to view the organization’s details page.
On Scopus you can also find scientific journals profiles, by selecting the Sources option at the top of the page.
It will redirect you to a page listing all indexed journals in the database, sorted by most citated by default.
This list can be sorted according to various criteria (title, CiteScore, percentile, etc.) by clicking on the arrows on the right of each indicator.
These metrics are available for different years, which can be selected using the View metrics for year option.
If you want to find a particular journal, click on Title and select the field you want.
You can search by subject, title, editor, or ISSN. After selecting the search field, type your search expression, and then click on Find sources.
By clicking on the journal’s title, you can access all the information relating to it.
Although it is not mandatory to use Scopus, you can create a personal account on Scopus (an Elsevier account).
By creating an account, you’ll have the option to save your search history and create alerts.
By logging in, you can also request changes or corrections to the author's profile (if one has been created).
Go to Create account in the upper right corner.
Type your email address (personal or institutional) and choose your password.