Researcher profile management platforms increase the visibility and impact of your academic and scientific curricula.
This visibility is fundamental to researchers at various moments of their professional and academic journey, such as a project's approval, an application for a job vacancy, or the submission and accreditation of an academic course.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a global, not-for-profit organisation that provides an open, free-of-charge platform for researchers and academics. It also provides a unique and persistent identifier (an ORCID ID) that enables transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers and their research, contributions, scholarship, and innovation activities.
You must create a single profile to which an ORCID ID is assigned.
To obtain this identifier, you must first register by visiting the page:
In the first step, you will create your researcher profile and enter your personal data.
You should use as your registration name the name you always publish with.
If you sign with a different name from your first and last, you must fill in the field “Also known as”.
To make your registration as complete and visible as possible, you must fill in all the fields, even if not mandatory, such as:
Once created, you should update your profile regularly.
ORCID is interoperable with the main profile platforms of indexed publications, such as SCOPUS and Web of Science, making it easier to update your ORCID profile.
You should use the automatic import forms whenever possible, avoiding manual registration.
You can add your publications to your profile by direct import, URL, DOI, or other identifiers.
To add indexed publications, it is highly recommended to use indexing platforms such as:
For other types of published documents, such as books, book chapters, proceedings, and others, you should use the document identifier, such as a DOI, ISBN, or ISSN, whenever these are available.
You can also import a URL from other academic platforms by using the tool Search & link