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Universidade Europeia Libraries

APA Style 7

APA Style 7th ed.

At the university, we use the American Psychological Association (APA) Style, 7th edition, for citing and referencing sourcesin all academic papers.

Please consult the official APA style manual for full details on APA referencing and for a very wide variety of reference examples.
This manual is available in all of our libraries.

More information can be found on the APA Style official page or on their blog. You can also print the Quick Reference Guide.

The libraries have also compiled a manual you can download with the most common examples and questions answered.

You can also refer your questions to your local library.


We can integrate the words, ideas, or theories of others into our academic work by quoting or paraphrasing.
Citations are used in the body of your paper to provide support for claims, arguments, results, and conclusions, and they also provide credibility to your writing.

Each citation refers to an entry in the reference list at the end of the paper.


At the end of your paper, references should list all sources you have cited, ordered alphabetically by author’s surname.
A list of references is not a bibliography, which is a list of works consulted.
Every listed source in your references also needs to be cited in the body of your paper.

References provide the necessary information for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text.

Reference list citations are highly variable depending on the source, but you shouldn't list these resources separately, according to the source, such as a bibliography (for books and print materials) and web resources (for online resources). All documents cited should be compiled into the same list of references.