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Universidade Europeia Libraries

How to access

Visible Body is an online resource restricted to the University's community. 

Access Visible Body from anywhere and any device with OpenAthens.

Simply access the provided resource URL and type in your institutional credentials, that is, your student or teacher number and your password.

Once logged in, the following page will be presented, where you need to click to open a new window.

Explore the Visible Body

Clicking in the homepge a new window will open.
In the Home menu of this new window, you will find all the resources available on the platform:

You can also go to the Search tab and write the desired subject terms in the search bar.

Having selected the intended content, the corresponding image is displayed.

The platform offers, at this stage, among other options, the dissect and multi-select options.

It is also possible to view images of cross-sections of various parts of the human body.
Just write "cross section" in the Search menu and select one of the available options.

Clicking on the image in the lower left corner will give us access to images obtained from magnetic resonance imaging or from cadavers: